Welcome to GrassRoots Crypto!

GrassRoots Crypto offers education services in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space through YouTube and in-person consulting.
Feel free to explore the website and browse through my posts and videos below. If you have any questions or would like to learn more, don't hesitate to reach out to me via Twitter or Telegram. GrassRoots Crypto provides education services in the Blockchain and Crypto space via YouTube or in person consulting.

Recent posts

THORChain Feburary Update

7 minute read

I wanted create a post about THORChain as a lot has happened this year. The biggest update is regarding THORFi and there is a lot to unpack, so I will leave ...

THORChain + Ruji Trade

less than 1 minute read

I made a video regarding Ruji Trade and how it is going to work. Also see below an updated version of the picture used.

THORChain + Cosmos Update

7 minute read

A lot is happening with THORChain, so I’ve been doing research to understand it better. I wanted to dive deeper into COSMWASM, IBC, and the upcoming Kujira p...

Bitcoin in SMSF

5 minute read

I have done some write up for friends insterested in having Bitcoin in their SMSF so I have cleaned it up a bit and shared in on my website.